We all carry our home within us.

We all have a unique voice and purpose for being here in this exact moment. Our inner home is a sanctuary where we can rest in quiet still spaciousness and access our own inner guidance. Aligning with our deepest inner knowing and spaciousness is available to all of us.

Have you ever silenced, overridden, ignored that whisper of knowing inside you?

The one that tells you something feels off and is not in alignment with your own deeper wisdom and guidance. That voice that is telling you to say something tender or vulnerable, try something new, say no, say yes, set a boundary about how you spend your time, money, or focused

Because saying yes would mean stepping into unknown territory.  Into uncertainty.

It feels better to trust the devil you know.

But the knowing does not go away. It may look like resentment as you watch others doing the very thing your inner knowing is nudging you towards.  Or anxiety because where you are does not feel safe or true for you anymore.

Or it may look like exhaustion, weariness, feeling completely drained of mental, physical and emotional energy at the thought of continuing on as is. Or it may look like a physical pain or a health concern.

Or it may look like getting lost innproductivity or business, taking care of others, focusing on the never ending supply of tasks and obligations.

Or it may look like distracting yourself with things that drain your bank account, your energy, your time available to focus on things that spark interest or excitement inside you.

The resentment, anxiety, emotional pain, physical pain may feel like your body is failing you.

Your body is communicating with you in a language that mirrors the natural world.

We all need a guidelight to illuminate the breadcrumbs along our path and help us find the next best step.

What if you are the guide light? What if you have the knowing, the radiance to illuminate the path forward?

Every one of us has inner light and radiance, our own unique inner compass and guidance system.

When you think of Chinese medicine and Daoist inner practices what comes to mind may be acupuncture, herbal medicine, and qi gong. But they are only tools to help you access a living system that is operating within you. This is a living system that can help you translate the language of your body, emotions, and spirit.

Daoist wisdom is a roadmap of human consciousness that can support you in meeting life with both sturdiness and flexibility.

My passion is in applying Daoist wisdom and practices into the messy and complicated lives of modern people. This is a unique, individual journey for each person.

These tools CAN help you cultivate inner spaciousness to hold the duality and contradictions within yourself.  Help you meet your own pain, discomfort, and questions with gentleness and
kindness. Help you cultivate inner spaciousness that allows your inner guidance to navigate the hard, the mundane, the sorrow, the joy with ease and even enjoyment.



An inner sanctuary is something you can cultivate, grow and expand, and nurture.

Inner peace, truthfulness, integrity, wisdom, and loving kindness are who we are at our core. Our personality or what Chinese medicine calls our heart mind is trying to keep us safe and secure and navigate daily life. But in trying to keep us safe it can drown out the voice of our soul and our own inner guidance. The Daoists masters of human consciousness and cultivated wisdom, tools, and resources we can use to navigate the modern world and to balance the messages and needs of daily life with our soul/inner guidance/higher self.

You can cultivate, grow, nurture your inner home.

This is a skill and a gift that is available to each and every one of us. It is a skill we can develop and practice. Chinese medicine offers a roadmap to human consciousness, a precious tool that can help each of us to better understand our own inner infrastructure. Your inner infrastructure are the aspects of yourself that shape your life either directly or indirectly, depending on your level of awareness of how these aspects of yourself influence your reactions to the outer world.  You might think of Chinese medicine as simply acupuncture or herbal medicine. It actually is a system that offers a description of  the pieces of our multidimensional selves and can help us learn how to access these parts of ourselves in daily life.

These are concepts that sound esoteric but becoming aware of them within yourself and learning to use them can have enormous practical value in how you react and respond to challenges, stressors, and the beauty of your daily life.

Testimonial from Susan:

“I am sharing my heartfelt recommendation to anyone who is considering working with Michele Vergara. I have worked with Michele for many years. I received herbs, qi gong teachings and medical qi gong treatments on an ongoing basis. My benefits from our work are too numerous to list. This deep healing process differs dramatically from my experience with traditional medicine. As a result of our work together over the years I have experienced various transformations. Now I am different, and I see the world in new ways:

I realize that I am my healer.
I realize that I need to be kind and patient with myself as I make healing changes.
My focus is on my own inner guidance.
Finally, I am responsible for my health and well being.

Michele continues to support my healing process with her gentle, kind, intuitive wisdom, her nurturing care and her gifts that enhance my pathway to health. As a former educator who taught her students to be independent learners, I see how Michele has taught me to be an independent healer of my lifestyle and my way of being in my life. I am very grateful to Michele and for her numerous gifts. In joyful health and well being!”

Testimonial from EB:

“She (Michele) encouraged me to begin a conversation with the 3 year old me that had created this protective armor. I’ve done “inner child” work before, but this felt different. Instead of listening for an outer voice reassuring me, it was coming from the inside. I found that the ability to soothe myself lay within me, and I felt a deep sense of love, forgiveness, and self-acceptance that has stayed with me. I felt HOME within my own being, if that makes sense. I am not new to this process, but Michele’s guidance was powerfully effective in reaching a deeper level of trust in myself, and in her.”

Testimonial from BH:
“When I first set out to receive help from Michele Vergara, my intentions were to improve my energy and also decrease fatigue, anxiety, blood pressure, and allergic reactions to various foods, drinks, medications.  One of the tools Michele trained me to use was Qi Gong.  This tool has been very beneficial for me.  It is best if you practice this energy work on a daily basis, but I’ve noticed that, if I fail to do so on occasion, I can always pick the techniques back up and feel the instant benefits of doing so.  It’s amazing at how something so simple can have such effective, long term results. I have been truly blessed to have received the powerful teachings of this wonderful individual. I can’t express how much this has changed my life for the better.”
Testimonial from S Burton:
“It took me 5 years to set up my first appointment. I wish I would have made the call much sooner. I am a health professional. I am of Black-Native ancestry. After a life of Western Medicine indoctrination, I was ready to be introduced to a better solution. I wanted to speak with someone authentic and knowledgeable. I wanted to learn about alternatives and options for my health, other than the quick fixes I saw being dispensed. I needed something to help me to remain mindful and preventative for my lifestyle. It is important for anyone to know that; I knew I had to be ready to do the work.

When I first spoke with Michele, I felt that she cared, that I cared, and she knew I wanted to learn. We worked to get me to the root cause of an issue, before anything became an issue. To me, that is what preventative health education is essentially about. Traditional Chinese Medicine is my gift to me every month. I love me and the ability to use this as a healthcare tool for myself. Michele helps to educate me about various components. I know what it takes for me to stay healthy. She helps me keep becoming the healthiest version of me. I can keep moving forward in my life knowing and being in the best health of my life. ”

Sign up for a FREE course to begin your exploration of your own inner infrastructure

This free course consists of four videos including guided meditations to explain Chinese medicine’s elegant and practical explanation of human consciousness, your own inner infrastructure, and how you can begin to develop a loving relationship with your own inner world.