Explore Your Inner Infrastructure

Sign up for a FREE course to begin your exploration of your own inner infrastructure

Build a deeper and more harmonious relationship with the inner aspects of yourself.  This course will give you the opportunity to practice several simple but transformative meditations to strengthen your connection to your own innate virtue. 

This free course consists of four videos including a guided meditation to explain Chinese medicine’s elegant and practical explanation of human consciousness, your own inner infrastructure, and how you can begin to develop a loving relationship with your own inner world.  Here is what we will cover in this 4 video series: 

  • Information everyone needs access about their own inner operating system
  • Why emotions are a valuable and important temporary address
  • How to identify places where you might be feeling stuck in a recurrent pattern of reaction, what the value of those places may be, and what the wisdom underneath them is
  • How important your personality/ego are and what exactly that is in Chinese medicine
  • Essential parts of your own inner nature that can support you in balancing emotional reactions
  • Meditations that can help you develop a conscious relationship with aspects of yourself to help you deepen your relationship with yourself and others 

Here is what to expect in each of the 4 videos:

Video 1: An overview of the different aspects of your inner infrastructure and how your consciousness of them can support you in your daily life

Video 2: Introduction to the five organ systems in Chinese medicine or what I think of as your soul team, your personality/ego, of what translates to the heart mind in Chinese medicine. You will learn why they are a essential foundation of your inner infrastructure and how this can help to bring loving awareness to your core virtue.

Video: 3: Learn a powerful meditation to help you strengthen your relationship with the five organ systems and how and when to use this practice to support you in your daily life.

Video 4: Learn a powerful meditation to connect to your own core virtue and strengthen inner balance and harmony within your own heart mind.

Sign up for a FREE course to begin your exploration of your own inner infrastructure

This free course consists of four videos including guided meditations to explain Chinese medicine’s elegant and practical explanation of human consciousness, your own inner infrastructure, and how you can begin to develop a loving relationship with your own inner world.